Saturday, October 8, 2011

Quick Comic Reviews - October 9th, 2011

Here’s another dose for this week.  Lots of stuff out there and some reviews I might have skipped over just because I didn’t feel like reviewing them, quite honestly.  But here’s what I have.  Let me know if you’re enjoying the reviews!

detect2Detective Comics #2 – Written by Tony S. Daniel and Penciled by Tony S. Daniel, Inked by Ryan Winn & Sandu Florea.  Following up last month’s occurrence with the Joker, we really see some dark and macabre stuff going on towards the end of this issue.  Some of the better parts have to deal with the relationship between James Gordon and Batman.  I’m not sure what to think of Bruce Wayne’s “relationship” with a reporter or the fact that in the first two months we’ve had Bruce Wayne having sex with two different people.  Of course, I doubt the intention is that he’s sleeping around because I doubt they figured in the continuity of it all.  But hey, Bruce Wayne gets around, right?  The Dollmaker looks to be an interesting villian and they give us a shocking ending.  Daniel does a great job with the art in this issue as well, much less confusing than some scenes in the last issue.  MUCH easier to follow what’s going on this time and that’s always good to see.  Overall, a very good issue with plenty to offer any Batman fan.  While not a must buy, it is good enough to deserve your consideration if you like the Bat.

batwing2Batwing #2 – Written by Judd Winick and Art by Ben Oliver.  Here’s the issue in a nutshell.  Massacre goes to take out some old African super hero and Batwing gets told he’s too hurt to keep fighting.  Now repeat that several times in the same issue and there you have it.  It seemed like the issue could have led somewhere, but it really didn’t.  I think they could have parsed the issue down to about 5 pages and then made some forward momentum.  And the art in here seems nice, but like last issue, there were still very little details in the backgrounds.  Its starting to seem to me like maybe the real talent here lies in the colorist.  The question is, if I only saw the inked version, would it stand up?  I’m not so sure.  The coloring makes it look superb.  Last time I gave Ben Oliver credit, but I’m just guessing now that it’s the colorist.  I thought the first issue was solid and then this issue just goes nowhere quick.  Might as well just skip this one folks as there is really nothing you’ll even miss here!

omac2O.M.A.C. #2 – Story and Art by Dan Didio & Keith Giffen and Inked by Scott Koblish.  I’m really starting to dig this series.  It is becoming a fun and exciting series that throws back to the days of yore when comics were all about being fun.  Kevin Kho is OMAC and doesn’t know why he’s being controlled by Brother Eye.  Apparently, the Eye has been an outcast for some reason.  We also meet Checkmate which is secretly running Cadmus and boy do they have a great surprise waiting for us here!  The artwork is good stuff, not quite up to the level of the first issue, but still a pretty good channeling of Kirby here.  OMAC is a tad devoid of being personable, but I think the fact that Kevin is being controlled will eventually want us to see him break free of it and being able to turn on his OMAC side when he wants.  But who knows where this thing will go.  One thing is for sure though, I’m interested in seeing where this ride takes us.  Hang on to your hats and pick this and issue 1 up if they’re still available!

bpanther5231Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #523.1 – Written by David Liss and Art by Jefte Palo.  A serial killer is trying to get the Panther’s attention, however, things take a turn when the Black Panther realizes he’s dealing with someone from his past.  The brief description sums up the issue and gives a small mystery that is quickly enough revealed.  This is a point 1 issue, designed to be a great jumping on point for readers.  It does what it is designed to do very well.  It introduces our main characters and gives us a glimpse as to what to expect from the comic.  So if that was the goal, then it was mission accomplished.  The only problem is that some of it felt too “Batman”.  I thought we almost had our own version of Commissioner Gordon and Panther was doing his best brooding Bats act possible.  Once you get past that, it’s a good self-contained issue and soon takes us past what felt like a Batman rip-off into a exposition on the man behind the mask. T’Challa has been written better in recent issues, but this isn’t bad at all.  The artwork is pretty good and does the proper storytelling so that you always feel like you can tell what’s going on.  Nothing confusing at all here.  So really, a solid issue and if you’re curious about Black Panther’s recent move to Hell’s Kitchen, this would be a great time to check it out and hop on board what is turning into an excellent series.

redlant2Red Lanterns #2 – Written by Peter Milligan, Penciled by Ed Benes and Inked by Rob Hunter.  We get a further exploration into Atrocitus and some situations that cause a vast inner rage.  I’m not sure how I feel about Atrocitus having much beyond pure rage, but I guess the other Corps aren’t all abouting before full of pure willpower or such.  I just can’t see why his Corps are held in check so that they don’t have a full “consciousness” as he puts it.  Shouldn’t they have something that keeps them in check as well?  Are the Red Lanterns just there to exact revenge in the universe?  That would seem to be the most logical conclusion.  The story itself revolves around a planet that is being occupied by another race.  It seemed like this part was a reflection of what has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, especially with the soldiers killing innocents.  I’m not sure how comfortable I am with that being put into this story as it almost seems to cast soldiers in a bad light.  But if he felt the tale is worth being told, then that’s his prerogative and I support that.  The art was just okay, I felt that I’ve seen way better Atrocitus before, so Benes just hasn’t quite sold me yet.  This was better than the first issue, but still a long ways from hitting home.  It had moments that almost pulled you in, but I also think some of the art kept us from really drawing ourselves into the story.  Almost a good issue, but just misses out for me this.

animalman2Animal Man #2 – Written by Jeff Lemire and Art by Travel Foreman.  You want dark and foreboding?  You want a crazy and creepy and almost trippy ride?  Boy is this the comic for you if you said yes.  I don’t even usually like those types of things, but I’m loving this.  Maxine (Animal Man’s daughter) has animated dead animals and feels a connection to “the Red”.  Meanwhile, Buddy (Animal Man) develops some weird blood like vein tattoos or something all over his body.  Maxine is developing insanely powerful abilities and she convinces her daddy that they need to find the source of “the Red” to help it out.  The story has a lot of levels to it and really gets you going.  Foreman creates such an eerie feeling with his drawing that isn’t pretty, but creates a mood.  It’s a different way of storytelling, but it very much works.  If you liked the Swamp Thing stuff, you might just love this.  This might actually be better than the Swamp Thing and wasn’t quite as confusing.  Perhaps, the BEST of the New 52.  If this isn’t on your list, you don’t deserve to have a list.  And you’re fired.  Good day!


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